If you are struggling with your finances, why not start an online venture that could bring you money? After all, there are multiple ways to make money online, and plenty of people have found financial independence working on the internet.
Coming up with an idea is one of the hardest parts. The methods below should give you some inspiration. Also, keep in mind that you do not stick to an idea if it is not working. Move to the next attempt and repeat until you land on one that works.
Table of Contents
Method #1 – Sell Sneakers
Selling sneakers may seem like a random idea. However, since not so many people are aware of it, you will have less competition.
There are certain sneakers that go on sale and disappear off the shelves almost immediately. Those who manage to be the first to grab a pair or two can later resell these sneakers for a higher price.
Keep in mind that sneaker sellers are fighting against bots that have the advantage of purchasing products in bulk and are the first to complete the transaction.
If you decide to give this idea a try, you will need battle-tested sneaker proxies to access the stores that have blocked themselves from bots.
Method #2 – Start a Print on Demand Store
A print on demand venture is also worth considering. The popularity of custom-made merchandise maker continues to grow. T-shirts, hoodies, calendars, phone cases, face masks, and other products you can put a digital print on can make you money.
Even if you do not have graphic design skills, there is an option to find a freelance graphic designer and ask them to join your business. A partner may be a good idea in general as taking care of every business aspect alone may prove too difficult.
If there is a person in charge of designs, you will have more time to focus on store promotion and customer service.
Method #3 – Complete Online Surveys
Online surveys work well for those who have only an hour or so to spare every day and would love to spend that time doing something valuable instead of wasting it.
One survey should take roughly 15 minutes to complete, meaning that you can finish about five surveys in an hour.
Check SwagBucks, Inbox Dollars, and other survey services for new offers. Also, some surveys may be available on a smartphone but not on a computer, and vice-versa, so keep that in mind as well.
Method #4 – Try Your Luck With Cryptocurrency
The peak of cryptocurrency might have passed, but there are still some who rely on the idea to make a living.
In fact, one could argue that joining the crypto world now is even better because the market is not as oversaturated as before.
You do not have to sell and trade cryptocurrencies to make money. There are other, less risky ways.
So long as you are willing to learn the craft, you can work as a crypto consultant and help others make better investments. Or, as an alternative, you could also consider starting a blog or a podcast. Monetizing either of these should not be an issue so long as there is an audience.
Method #5 – Work in Customer Support
Businesses are looking for new members to join their customer support department. Given how much the popularity of online stores has grown, not all brands can keep up with customer requests on social media, emails, direct messages on websites, or phone calls.
Working in customer support may not sound like the most exciting idea ever, but the work is not too bad, especially if there are periods when you do not have to respond to customer queries all the time.
Check for available customer support gigs on freelancer websites like Fiverr and Upwork. Social media site groups could also be a good source to find this kind of work.
Method #6 – Create Online Courses
Online education continues to rise in popularity. People are eager to learn something new. Be it better career opportunities or just making better use of their available time, educational courses on Skillshare and Udemy receives a lot of attention.
You can create and sell a course on these two platforms. Pick a topic and collect information from multiple sources. The goal is to create a video series that is easy to digest.
Method #7 – Stream on Twitch TV
It is difficult to deny the popularity of Twitch TV. The platform receives new content creators and viewers every year.
Given how popular Twitch is, you could also consider joining the site and creating a channel. If you have an entertaining personality or have other ideas that potential viewers might find interesting, channel monetization should not be a problem. Donations, subscriptions, and sponsorship deals are the primary sources of income among Twitch TV streamers.
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