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7 Ways To Increase Your User Retention on App

7 Ways To Increase Your User Retention on App

Increase Your User Retention on App

Business individuals often use various mobile app marketing techniques for achieving the maximum score of downloads among their other competitors in which they usually succeed. But this short success will be of no use for your business if most of the users delete your app after a few days of downloading it.

So, your spendings will literally go to waste if actually this is going to happen with you as most of the owners have already faced this issue. This means here instead of only focusing on getting new users, you are absolutely required to shift your focus on retaining your app user base. And you can simply achieve this by following the given seven ways:

Utilize Push Notifications

Push notifications are now considered as one of the major elements of success regarding retaining app users and your customers as well as your business. These push notifications can be proved really effective for your venture if they are launched in the right manner and in the direction as well.

Apart from this, various users generally download the mobile apps on their devices but eventually, they don’t recognize the actual brand after a while. So, if you want to highlight your applications on your user’s mobile screens among other competitors then you better utilize push notifications, through your android, iOS, or flutter push notifications.

Keep Your Mobile Application Up To Date

The internet platform is full of millions of mobile applications as so many people are creating and launching mobile apps on this platform on a daily basis. Now it is very obvious that people who have launched their apps most recently might have adopted the latest framework for creating their mobile apps and may also have utilized the new features which are actually perfectly matching with the current market scenario.

This means the latest mobile app owners are having more advanced version apps than yours. So here you better need to update your mobile application to the latest available version and also let your users know about it via push notifications.

Always Ask For Feedback

You will only be able to retain your app users with your mobile application only if they are happy as well as satisfied with your business. Because happy customers always stay with your brand.

Now here you are absolutely required to check whether your users are satisfied with your services or not and the only way to check this is by asking your users to give you feedback on your app performance which you can effectively do with the help of flutter push notifications.

Provide A Full Fledged App

Here if you really want to increase your user retention rate on your mobile app then make sure you are providing your users with an excellent user interface and that also needs to work fast.

Now here, by saying a full-fledged application means that you will be required to attach various additional elements with your mobile app framework such as payment gateways where users can directly pay on your mobile app while buying their desired products from your online retail store. And keep on updating your users regarding your latest offers and special schemes via push notifications.

Divert Your Users Attention Towards Your Other Community

It will not be good for your user base if you are only trying to reply and satisfy them through your mobile application environment. Because today’s users are much attracted towards the new creativity.

Now for showing them your creativity, you will be required to use your various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and youtube as well where you can easily upload your creative posts and provide them different solutions as well. Here for diverting your users towards your different social media platforms, you can simply use the flutter push notifications where you only need to add your social media account as well as post links.

Launch Promotional Codes And Benefit Points

If you have found that there are various users who only have purchased once from your online retail store then here you are certainly required to light a spark in those users so that they can initiate their further buyings with you.

Now for lightening their purchasing spark, here you can try different ways such as offering them promotional codes which they can win after solving a puzzle. Apart from this, you can also add some benefit points for them and let them know about these options through your push notifications.

Praise Your App Features

Here you might be using a simple framework for your mobile app but still, you can praise your unique app features among your audience via push notifications.

Now there is a possibility that they would already know about these app features but users have a certain tendency that they mostly like and believe those things which you make them like and believe respectively.


It has become very expensive as well as competitive for every business in terms of retaining their old users. But you don’t need to worry here. You can try these seven given ways for resting your app users which are definitely going to prove as a quick win for you and moreover these ways are not at all expensive.

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